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Kishori Name Meaning in Tamil

Baby Girl

கிஷோரி தமிழ் பெயர் அர்த்தம்

Name Meaning in Tamil

இளம் பெண்

Name Meaning in English

young lady

K Letter Characteristics


Those who have K as the first letter of their name are very loving and loyal. These are people who have the ability to hide their emotions from others’ notice. The letter K stands for skill in the arts. They will demonstrate their prowess in various arts. They will effectively work to achieve their goal. They will earn fame, money and status. They will help the needy and poor, and his loved ones as well. They are affectionate towards the people they come across in life.

Kishori Name Numerology


People whose numerological value as per their name is 3 are ruled by Jupiter. Number 3 represents the planet Jupiter in numerology. They are spiritual minded and righteous. They would believe that whatever happens is all due to God's grace. They would act with patience, be duty conscious and believe in hard work. They will treat others with compassion and love. Usually, people of this numerological number 3 will be well educated and wise. Being endowed with justice, honesty, righteousness and virtues in abundance, they will automatically be respected and revered by others. They would not mind failures and would succeed with their continuous determined efforts and hard work. They would not indulge in shortcuts and adopt unfair means to accomplish things, at any cost.

These people of number 3 would complete all their undertakings with their knowledge and skills. So, others trust them and entrust their work with these people. They are light-hearted and could give in to others by nature. They are fully inclined to spiritual thinking and devotion to God. They would attain peace of mind in life by engaging themselves more in spiritual services. Therefore, God will be with them. They keep themselves off from harming and cheating the fellowmen. People seek their opinion and counsel when they need it. But they bury their own troubles deep in their heart of hearts. They never ever reveal it to others. They have great faith in religion, ritual and sastras.

Reputation in society and a position of authority will come automatically to the people of number 3. They will be appreciable experts in astrology. They would excel in the fields of astrology, medicine, politics, science, education, spirituality and jurisprudence. They will hold positions like engineer, judge, doctor, political leader, spiritual preacher etc. If Guru Bhagavan is placed well in their horoscope, they will be shining stars spiritually and socially.

Planet Jupiter Characteristics


Jupiter (Guru) is the lord of heirs and wisdom. He denotes acahryaa, the Guru. He is the acharya of Devas too. Jupiter who is called Prahaspathi is a holistic integral auspicious heavenly body. He is son of Saint Aangirasa and Surubaa. Jupiter reigns in star Sagittarius and Pisces, attains supremacy in star Taurus, and becomes null in star Cancer. Raasis like Punarpoosam, Poosam and Poorattadhi are under the powerful spell of Jupiter. Sun, Moon and Mars are the friendly heavenly bodies to Jupiter. Saturn and North Node & South Node (Raagu and Kethu) are neutral to Jupiter. Mercury and Venus are the non-friendly heavenly bodies to Jupiter.

The Jupiter is the source of influence for heirs, honesty, righteousness, devotion to God, popularity, astrology and the judiciary. Persons born under the powerful spell of Jupiter would be honest and upright. They would accomplish everything through justful ways and with a fair mind. They are endowed with positive thoughts, pleasant manners and good deeds. They would be respected and revered by others. Would be capable of providing counsel to the needy. Would be endowed with devotion to god, interested in giving away donations and doing charities. Would be popular in the judiciary, Govt. positions, and spiritual matters. Jupiter stands for number 3 in Numerology. And, as per numerology people born on 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th will be under the spell of the Jupiter.

Name in EnglishKishori
Name in Tamilகிஷோரி
First Letter in EnglishK
First Letter in Tamilகி
Hindu Name TypeCommon
Star Mirugaseerisham / மிருகசீரிஷம்
Numerology Total21
Ruling PlanetJupiter / குரு
Lucky Numbers1, 3, 5, 7
Lucky GemsTopaz / புஷ்பராகம்
Lucky ColourViolet, Pink

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